16. december 2021

Facebook’s sale of targeted advertising of loans breaches the principle of good marketing practice

Facebook’s advertising system has up until now been programmed to allow loan companies to target their advertising to consumers who have shown an interest in online gambling and gaming.

The Danish Consumer Ombudsman has assessed that practice and concluded that Facebook’s practice breaches the principle of good marketing practice in Section 3 of the Danish Marketing Act.

In a press statement, the Danish Ombudsman is quoted as saying “As far back as 1683, Danish law stated that gambling debt is not legally binding. The consideration behind that provision is that it is unethical and socially harmful if a business is made out of letting people get into debt by gambling. The provision still applies, and it is the same considerations that make it contrary to good practice to target advertising for loans to consumers who have shown interest in gambling.”

Following the Ombudsman’s assessment, Facebook has declared that their system will no longer allow advertisers to target their loan advertisements to consumers who have expressed an interest in online gambling and gaming.

The Consumer Ombudsman’s assessment will affect all loan companies etc., who practice this form of targeted advertising.

Modtag en e-mail, når der er nyt på siden:
Jørgen Pedersen
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Gitte Nedergaard
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Claus Olsen
Advokat (H), partner
David Kjær Hermansen
Advokat (Attorney)
Andreas Peter Olesen
Advokat (Attorney)
Alexander Hoyer Olsen
Alexander Møller-Heuer
Sara Nielsen
Socialrådgiver, cand.soc.
Puk Jespersen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Gitte Meyer
Lisbet Lüthi Schultz
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Birgitte Hegaard Højer
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Trinh Nguyen
Julie Pilegaard Pedersen
Receptionist, kontorassistent
Pia Bidstrup
Chief accountant
Kathrine Pilgaard Dolberg
Alvin Lee Kuiper
Mikail Özer
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Janni Føste Andersen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Søren Hartmann
Victor Larsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Jonathan Larsen
Rasmus Fredensborg Madsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Joachim Hoyer Olsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Jonas Duedahl Kristiansen
Salgschef, Fyn og Jylland
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