15. november 2021

Denmark is placed top in the 2021 World Justice Project’s “Rule of Law Index”

The World Justice Project (WJP) is an independent organization working to build awareness and stimulate the advance of the rule of law worldwide. In the WJP “Rule of Law Index” for 2021, the Scandinavian countries are all at the top end of the index, with Denmark ranked as the number one country for operating under the rule of law.

The WJP Rule of Law Index is a leading source for original data on the rule of law. The 2021 index evaluated the performance of 139 countries in eight categories. Denmark ranks number one in five of the eight categories: Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Fundamental Rights, Regulatory Enforcement and Civil Justice.

The results of the WJP 2021 Index once again show that Denmark consistently provides a civil justice system that is accessible and affordable as well as free of discrimination, corruption, and improper influence by public officials, and where court proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delays and decisions are enforced effectively. This is excellent news for businesses and individuals looking to resolve their disputes in Denmark.

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Jørgen Pedersen
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Gitte Nedergaard
Advokat (H), partner (Attorney)
Claus Olsen
Advokat (H), partner
David Kjær Hermansen
Advokat (Attorney)
Andreas Peter Olesen
Advokat (Attorney)
Alexander Hoyer Olsen
Alexander Møller-Heuer
Sara Nielsen
Socialrådgiver, cand.soc.
Puk Jespersen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Gitte Meyer
Lisbet Lüthi Schultz
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Birgitte Hegaard Højer
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Trinh Nguyen
Sacha Ibsen
Juridisk sagsbehandler
Julie Pilegaard Pedersen
Receptionist, kontorassistent
Pia Bidstrup
Chief accountant
Kathrine Pilgaard Dolberg
Alvin Lee Kuiper
Janni Føste Andersen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Søren Hartmann
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Martin Benfeldt
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Victor Larsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Jonathan Larsen
Rasmus Fredensborg Madsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
Joachim Hoyer Olsen
Advokatstuderende (stud.jur.)
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